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Book Your Seats on SAS Scandinavian’s Future Electric-Powered Flights

SAS Scandinavian Airlines is now accepting reservations for an exciting new type of air travel: electric-powered aircraft. While the service won’t be available until 2028, early planners and environmentally-conscious travelers can secure their spots today. SAS, serving Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, aims to revolutionize air travel with electric-powered flights. The upcoming flights will feature 30 seats and will be operated using Heart Aerospace’s ES-30 aircraft, currently in development. ( 기타...

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linbb 0
Is this thread ever going to die? Doing this is so far in the future there is no way to predict such a thing due to battery weight and nothing so far anywhere close to taking care of it. Wait they can dig up more earth, tons for each battery to do so.......but soon run out of the required materials.


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