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Extraordinary feat by pilot Matevž Lenačič successful flight around-the-world flight in a Pipistrel aircraft!

When only big, powerful and fast aircraft seem to make the news, a small 100 HP aicraft that qualifies as a bit bigger than an ultralight flew from Slovenia to practically all continents crossing the Equator line not less than 4 times, flew very close to Mt. Everest at FL 290, crossed the Atlantic, Pacific and all major bodies of water, some legs 10 and 11 hr long, and then back to home base safely with no small amount of luck. Kudos to him and his team. ( 기타...

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ibpilot72 1
Not sure I'd want to fly a plane with the name like Virus! Haha!!!
chalet 1
That was exactly my reaction when I learned about that name, being the first four letters of Pipistrel Spanish for urine!!!, no kidding you can look it up in the dictionary. Well seriously speaking what Mateus Lenacic did is nothing short of extraordinary, as a pilot, navigator, planner, mechanic, photographer, you name it. He had two close calls though one over Australia I believe when some cracks developed in back in the fuselage/elevator area that had to me filled out with something akin to solid glue and later on over Africa when the engine conked out on him but miracously enough there was a suitable strip right below and nary a scratch (it was caused by oil leaking out of the supercharger).
I love comments like ... "I believe when some cracks" when you google to death the story to make an
"informed opinion" thanks for the in depth research for the rest of us simpletons
chalet 1
Simpleton Campbell you took only 4 years to comment on my comment, man are you quick. FYI I did not Google for the info, I followed the trip some 2 hours per day work permitting as I recall.


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