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The HC-130J Combat King II: Combat Search and Rescue, Supersized

When an American aircraft goes down, be it over a remote training ground or behind enemy lines, the Air Force's crack teams of pararescue forces jump into action. The new HC-130J Combat King II is the plane that delivers them when Blackhawks can't, even into active combat zones. ( 기타...

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Zany4God 2
That others may live!
Thanks for posting this.
The HC-130J and her variants are amazing aircraft considering the longevity of this airframe. What a workhorse used the world over by many nations.
Right on
chalet 1
Indeed their longevity is simply amazing that is why I wonder why they keep making them at $ 70 million a copy and yet at the same time there are hundreds of them basking in the sun at Davis Monthan AFB, just saying
It would cost $70m plus to make em airworth with only a 50% reliability projection. Just like your Whirpool domestic appliance or any other machine.
chalet 1
No way, Jose, the Aussies donated four C-130Hs to Indonesia last year and sold them another five just recently and the refurbishing is being done in Australia prior to shipping out, being paid by Jackarta and the FA cost is quite less than the $ 70 mil you alleged.


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