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Airbus flight on behalf of the Red Crescent brings medical aid to Syrian refugees in Jordan

An Airbus flight on behalf of the Red Cross and Red Crescent landed on Aug. 21 in Amman, Jordan, transporting 25 tons (143 cubic meters) of medical equipment and supplies as well as medical and logistics personnel. This Airbus A340-600 test aircraft was loaded in Helsinki by the Finnish Red Cross, with help from Finnair Cargo for palletizing and loading. This mission was arranged between the Airbus Corporate Foundation and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies… ( 기타...

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not only Airbus ^^
An MD-11F of Lufthansa Cargo is on the way to Jordan right now with medical stuff for Syria on board. It started at 19:40 CET from SXF/EDDB (Berlin-Schönefeld)
This MD-11F of Lufthansa Cargo started at SXF an hour ago and is on the way to Amman, Jordan, transporting medical stuff for Syrian refugees.
Alan Winn 2
great, thanks, we will update the story
Another medical A340 in on schedule for Jordan next week here in Berlin.
I hope for the same of Helsinki!
I'll do pictures if possible.


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