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Flight 370: Underwater drones find nothing after scouring half of search area

The underwater drone scanning for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 finished its seventh mission Sunday, having covered about half its intended territory without finding any sign of the missing plane. This has been the case for 44 days now, which seems like an eternity for the relatives of the 239 passengers and crew on board, still hoping for a miracle or, at least, closure. The Bluefin-21 drone started its eighth mission soon after the previous one ended Sunday morning, surveying the bottom of the… ( 기타...

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Bluefin Mission 7 Marks Halfway Point in Flight 370 Sea Floor Search - Hunt Continues without ‘Contacts of Interest’

Australian officials announced Sunday that the underwater search has covered “approximately 50%” of the highly targeted search area, adding that nothing from Flight 370 has been found.

Bluefin 21, the autonomous underwater vehicle tasked with the search of the sea floor for the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner, completed its seventh mission Sunday having covered approximately half of the “focused underwater search area” according to Australian authorities. To date, it has not yet found any signs of the lost aircraft....


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