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Opinion: Commercial Aviation Safer Than Ever, But Problems Remain

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has released its 50th Flight Safety Report, an impressive document covering the airline industry's relentless efforts to further diminish incidents and accidents. IATA member airlines (which carry 86% of the world's 3.1 billion annual passengers) last year suffered a small number of fatal accidents. No more than 210 of their passengers lost their lives, suggesting that flying is safer than ever. Although the “zero-accident” goal may be… ( 기타...

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preacher1 2
While the article is informative, it is rather speculative on the disappearance of MAS370, actually a little disrespectful to the families. He has his opinion, I have mine, and it appears that ICAO has one too, as evidenced by the letter tagged to it as a comment.


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