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Watch Aeroflot's sensual slow-motion inflight safety video

Aeroflot's sensual safety video for the Boeing 777-300ER is all about slow-motion poses and sultry looks. Laden with lingering clips of the female flight attendants – the blokes appear once and only at the 30 second mark (and of course they're pilots) – the video seems to celebrate stunning Russian cabin crew as much as knowing where your nearest exit it located. ( 기타...

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All of a sudden I'm craving vodka.
Where can I get a copy of their 2011 calendar? ;)
Did those oxygen masks look like they were all tangled up?
jbqwik 1
Back in the day (1960's), the stews were pretty darn hot. One memorable trip, a bunch of us young military types had a 707 all to ourselves on an overnight flight. Open bar, and the stews -I shall say- kept us entertained..
Reminds me of the old SWA TV Commercials... Very well produced... Noting the last picture in the article... One Lucky Jet Engine..LOL.. Wish I were there.


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