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Malaysia Air restructures system

Malaysia Airlines, the carrier that suffered the losses of MH370 and MH17, will be making huge cuts, both in routes and personnel, as part of a restructuring plan that will turn the airline into a private carrier. ( 기타...

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Well, if the government will let KN function as a true private entity and stay out of the Airline business, it may work. If they won't, it is doomed from the start. Sad, but it is a good airline, hit with a string of super bad luck and government interference.
It looks like PAX are voting with their on the net of their planes flying nearly empty. Perhaps they could make it as strictly a regional carrier however they would not need large capacity aircraft. The Malaysian government needs to get out of the airline business as the exposure to their taxpayers is very high.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Malaysia Airlines to undergo sweeping US$1.9 billion restructure - jobs, routes cut

Malaysia Airlines will undergo a dramatic restructure including a 30% cut to its workforce – representing 6,000 workers – in a drive to return the airline to profitability by 2017.


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