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U.S. Military Releases Video Of F-22 Strike Against ISIS

The Pentagon on Tuesday released an image of the Syrian-based ISIS command center targeted by the first F-22 Raptors ever used in actual combat, along with a video of the successful strike. ( 기타...

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They're all be headquartered in amongst the civillians..they'll be in Hospitals, Schools and Mosques
AWESOME...why not just send in a couple of nukes and git er done!!...
Because Americans prefer their oil to be non-radioactive? Fallout sucks.
Nice, thanks for sharing.
Didn't see any Isis movement on the ground, looked like an empty compound. Stop wasting Ammo, let's put it directly up they're Asses.
chudddds 1
do a little research on the US military destroying left over ordinance, then come back and complain about waste.
Well, left over rules and regulations that no longer serve a purpose really should be eliminated.
Why is there even one brick atop another ? Failure.
Two words: collateral damage

You want to minimize it, so as not to piss off the people around the site who are not your enemy, to avoid making them your enemy.
Good job, can't wait to see more.
Interesting that you don't see any people fleeing the building as in a typical bombing footage....
Could be because when you know your enemies have some of the most sophisticated and accurate weapons on the planet, and knows where your announced "HQ" is, you don't actually put anyone or anything important inside it. I mean seriously, do we really think these people are so stupid that they're going to say, "Here's our headquarters and you can't touch it", then really use it as a headquarters? Their real headquarters is nowhere near there, and our military knows it, but this gives some good footage for the nightly news and helps keep those defense budgets full and bloated.
Well as the General at the Pentagon said, we may have got them by surprise on this first strike, them thinking they were safe in Syria. Now that they know they are not, they will move. This was probably a little more interesting for the Raptors than a training range as well.
zennermd 1
I wonder how thick that roof was, those ordinances cut through like butter!
Flight Aware is a great source of information. good for you.


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