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N. Korea's Dear Leader Gives MiG-29 Pilots Guidance On How To Fight

Just when you thought he was gone for good, North Korea's portly boy tyrant is back on the scene after what many believe was surgery to remove a cyst from his ankle. Kim Jong Un appeared at an air base where some of the hermit kingdom's few MiG-29s are based. According to state news, he gave the pilots 'guidance' and watched drills take place, cane in hand. ( 기타...

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I'm surprised the little porker was able to squeeze himself into the cockpit. I wonder if he was able to get out without help.
I dwo mye hare wit Winx .... mwust looke en awropwane.
canuck44 2
This would be like taking dietary advise from Jeffrey Dahmer.
First golf and now a fighter pilot. What's next? Neurosurgeon?
Sure wish he woulda jumped in one and put on a demonstration himself.


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