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Delta spurns Boeing, picks Airbus for 50-jet order

Delta will go with Airbus in deal for 50 wide-body jets that would be worth more than $14 billion at list prices, according to multiple reports. The Wall Street Journal calls the reported order "a big victory for the European company in its battle with Boeing to sell long-range passenger aircraft." ( 기타...

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"spurn" seems to be typical sticky-eyes journalism hype for what is reported a business decision based on product availability.
Looks like the fact that they had a little experience with the AB as a result of the NWA merger and stayed with it, as well as the delivery slots being a necessity. It had to be that. You wouldn't think DAL would stiff Boeing on account of their steadfast bankruptcy support of them back in the day.Nah!!!!!!!
canuck44 -1
Given AB history, there is probably "other considerations" that are not made public.
And Boeing never has "other considerations" at work?
canuck44 1
AB and Boeing operate under different laws....Boeing cashes in on the taxpayer funded I-M Bank and it is illegal to pay under the table. For some absolutely stupid reason, Delta is not eligible for the I-M subsidies. Hence they will make it up for sales under a different set of commercial law much like the Air Canada deal that went down in the mid 1980s. This is as much a fault of US government policy as it is of Delta.
canuck44 1
Sorry, Wolfgang....I-M is Import Export Bank...abbreviation was not clear.
A quick google check with the words "Boeing bribe" gives 298 000 answers in 0.49 seconds. Of course a huge percentage of these answers are absolutely untrustworthy, but several are quite clear cut with people sentenced and the company condemned to huge fines. Several involve military contracts with the Pentagon. But questions from India and Japan about kickbacks have not yet been proven in court.
canuck44 2
Basically their ability to bribe has been replaced by taxpayer funded bribes...for which US Airlines are not eligible adding substantially to their capital costs.
And "Airbus Bribe" yields 178,000 hits. The difference could well be the greater number of news outlets in the Boeing area of interest (IE USA).
So what?
So what? It means that both companies bribe when they feel they can get away with it.
In many parts of the world, bribes are just part of the cost of doing business.
I believe the IRS allows bribes to be legitimate business expenses in some foreign transactions. They do get 'testy' trying that locally ;-)
Yes, I know that to be the case, so we can say that both companies have dirty fingers, that's why I reacted to John's post.
Years ago, I took a trip with a Mexican agent in Laredo who was one of the most successful there. Our trip was calling on each of his contacts and paying them off, eating their butts when they complained of less money, he told them they had not give him enough business that month.


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