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Video: U-2 Cockpit & T-38 Chase Plane Footage

A compilation of cockpit footage from the U-2 Dragon Lady and its T-38 Talon chase plane as they execute a photo flight mission. The U-2 is the Air Force's longest-serving active reconnaissance aircraft. ( 기타...

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Interesting how it takes off as a single-seater and lands as a two-seater.

However, it's good that the video wasn't given a loud music soundtrack.
BaronG58 1
Darwin was right!!E=MC2..U2 so fast it created mass. 8:)
oowmmr 1
Bits and pieces didn't really tell a story.
mike SUT 0
Boring? Come on now.....the high altitude chart case.... stuffed right behind his head, the fact that it is 2014 and he has to use charts at all? I never realized they used a yoke as opposed to a stick.....did you catch how much that thing moved when he was waaaaaay up there and the fact that the wings hardly moved. That he was using a Canon to catch photos...poor choice, should have been a Nikon. He tapped into a strawberry margarita about ten minutes in, I totally missed the flight attendant delivering it to him. And the coup de grace, looks like didn't retract the gear until he was about 8 or 9000 feet....rookie move. :-)
8 or 9,000 feet in a U-2 after takeoff takes about 45 seconds!


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