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FAA Takes Issue with Stadium Flyovers

The Experimental Aircraft Association is warning that FAA headquarters officials have expressed concern that stadium overflights by Experimental-category aircraft do not comply with current regulations. ( 기타...

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Is the FAA going after the Confederate Air Force or any of the other War Bird keepers for flying their EXPERIMENTAL category fighters or bombers around sporting events held at stadiums - no - because they are 'sanctioned' and doing so would hurt the flying heritage of this country. Yet EXPERIMENTAL category aircraft, not of fighting heritage, are being singled out by the oppresive anti-GA govenment Nazis in the FAA - even after getting prior permissions for doing the over flight. Next thing they will be banning gatherings of EXPERIMENTAL category aircraft at airports that will have shows and over flights due to the 'public safety' - say goodbye to events like Sun-n-fun and Oshkosh. This GA oppresive government currently in power needs to be shown the door and some common sense needs to be put back in place to keep our flying freedoms.


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