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Pichler Updates On Fiji Airways

Fiji Airways managing director/chief executive, Stefan Pichler, is now counting his last few days in the country. He will return to Germany next month to head turnaround Germany’s, Air Berlin. But before he leaves and in light of the fact that no one has yet been appointed as his successor, we caught up with Mr Pichler in a bid to update readers as to where Fiji Airways is placed. ( 기타...

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with the money owed to QFA and Air NZ I cannot see how tey will get a financial backer. Sooner or later the owners of there aircraft might get taken back if they don't sort out there financail affairs
You have some of the story correct. But for someone who worked for Air Pacific before they changed the name back to Fiji Airways which it was well known for many years back. The Fijian Government has really a lot to do with it and the running of the airline. SIA who leased there two B744's (now scrapped) which were with Ansett Australia are trying to get money from this airline which is outstanding on the two leases they had in place. Apparently Air Pacific at the time tried to get Korean Air to come into the airline and lease aircraft from them. That back fired on them. Yes the CEO has left this airline in a bad way but pressure from the Fijian Government played a big part of this


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