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MD-80s To Be Gone From American Airlines Fleet by End of 2017

American Airlines filed information on financing it plans for new aircraft, and the info includes a time line for eliminating the McDonnell Douglas MD-80 from its fleet. ( 기타...

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Probably about time as most are at end of life and been thru Tulsa a time or 2 for reman and upgrade of some type
Spent the day in Roswell yesterday and found no aliens. I did ,however observe a fairly large fleet of AA marked MD's and 75's in various stages of returning to nature. Always sad to see them going where we know they need to go!
I didn't know that AA was that big on the 75's.
The airline is currently upgrading its fleet of 106 Boeing 757 aircraft for use on domestic routes. Source, AA fleet web site. At least 10 0r more in various stages of salvage at Roswell and most with winglets.
Seems like those winglets jut got approved around 2001/02 and only for the 200ER. That must be some fairly new stuff out there.
I was wondering when I wasn't going to see these anymore, hate to see it but it is time.


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