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1,400 Security Badges Lost, Stolen at Atlanta Airport

More than 1,400 security badges used by workers at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport have been lost or stolen. ( 기타...

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"An airport official said such a scenario is unlikely because so called "piggybacking" is strictly forbidden and punishable by fines, suspension and possible termination. In addition, many entry points have turnstiles that only allow one person to enter at a time."

Yeah, Uh Huh. Let's talk about this land I got down in Louisiana.
I still have my airport employee parking window sticker from 20 years ago.
The airport official said that 1400 badges lost out of 63,000 is not so bad -- that's about 1 out of 50 lost, which is pretty crummy. If they don't think that's a problem, then it highlights a culture of lax security -- and that IS a serious problem.
I wonder how that happened... Sounds like someone in the security office goofed up.
Those who work in the terminals all know ways to pass checkpoints without being checked. Stairways with broken alarms or doors that don't self close and latch. My favorite was the restroom that had doors on landside and another on the airside. Real time saver.

And, how can the "security wonks" explain the frightfully expensive bomb blast gates at the entrance to cargo areas, guards with guns, dogs, and mirrors inspecting the UPS driver, but a single blast of an air horn playing "La Cucaracha" causes the dog to sit, the guards smile, and the blast barrier drops as the lunch truck drives inside without slowing down?
ADXbear 1
This is totally unacceptable.. 12 yrs ago, I had an ATL Sita badge and it was a BIG deal if someone list their badge.. I think they need to reissues new different color badges to everyone now and fine the employers who employees lost them...


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