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Honeywell's Symmetry integrated flight deck gets airborne on the G500 first flight.

10 touchscreen controllers replace all avionics and switches on Gulfstream's clean sheet G500. See the first flight video. ( 기타...

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J L 6
Anyone who has used a car with a built-in touchscreen can tell you how frustrating, and potentially dangerous, using it can be. Not every flight is smooth. I can't imagine trying to use a touchscreen interface while experiencing even light turbulence. It seems like a fancy toy in a place where toys don't belong. Plus, the last thing pilots need to be doing is diving through more menus and submenus, trying to find what they're need.
I really don't care for touch switches. I've used them for 50 years in lighting control systems. In planes, trains, and automobiles I prefer the tactile feedback from a properly constructed switch. Honeywell has made them since WWII for airplanes, and everyone knows the reliability of Microswitch. What I don't like about touch switches is their lack of tactile feel, and finicky go/no go operation. Everyone with a smartphone knows how dirty the screen gets and have you seen how nasty touchscreen ATM's and airport kiosks are? I'd rather have a row of smart switches. The ones that have a display that can change depending on the task at hand.
jbqwik 1
Touchscreen overload. Ugh.


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