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Woman Struck by Lightning While Getting Off Flight Diverted by Storms

A Charlotte-bound flight was diverted to Columbia, South Carolina, on Saturday evening due to strong storms over the Queen City. As if landing in South Carolina against your will isn’t bad enough, a storm developed over Columbia and zapped a passenger as she got off the American Eagle flight. ( 기타...

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Great headline. Can't tell who was diverted, the woman struck by lightning while getting off flight, or the flight. The plane diverted to Columbia, the woman diverted to the ER.
LOL. She was absolutely diverted. (Seriously, though ... glad she survived.)
"Almost every commercial airplane is struck by lightning at least once in its lifetime, but much more often for those that travel through stormy parts of the world." WOW - Did you ever read more astute analysis?
canuck44 3
I don't think he writes for the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce and Tourism.
mike SUT 1
Just another Journalist wannabee who can't even get the basic facts. Here's another brilliant example of his writing on his Vane blog.."An intense line of thunderstorms ripped, tore, screamed, blasted, and raced through the state of Iowa this morning, producing wind gusts exceeding 90 MPH in spots. Right or wrong, the storm is being touted as a “derecho” in the media; regardless of the name, the storms were brutal." Maybe he ought to look up the definition of Derecho
edgeair 1
And I bet that people still complained about the delay.


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