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In the making of: Vietnam Airlines’ first A350 XWB: Process

The first A350 XWB for Vietnam Airlines takes shape in this video clip, which highlights the delivery of components, assembly, painting and other key production steps, and concludes with the milestone widebody jetliner in flight. ( 기타...

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Pretty interesting video, but the MTV-style of editing (Jump, jump, jump scene after scene) is irritating because one doesn't get the chance to absorb the display before something else pops up on the screen. I am pleased that much of the video was not plagued with that style and was otherwise quite nice. I think there are too many young MTV babies in the editing suite these days...
Electronic editing (Avid, etc.) has made it WAY too easy to do rapid-fire editing. They should put these editors in an old-fashioned edit bay with film and see them try to do the same thing!
John, all of a sudden I feel so much older....! Hah! You do have a very good point, that's for sure.


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