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SpaceShipTwo crash: Aerospace company failed to consider human error, NTSB says

On Tuesday, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said that a co-pilot's mistake was to blame in the October 2014 crash of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo, which killed the co-pilot and injured the pilot over the Mojave Desert, where the craft was being tested. The NTSB added that Scaled Composites, the aerospace company that had built the SpaceShipTwo craft for Virgin Galactic and employed the two pilots, did not adequately consider the consequences of a human error such as… ( 기타...

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NTSB official findings:
bbabis 2
I don't agree with the whole concept of a manufacturer being liable for failing to consider human error. #1 Its always considered to begin with but at what point do pilots have to be accountable? #2 Humans error and so does automation designed by humans. #3 Its damned if you do damned if you don't. I remember Piper's autogear on its arrows. That system killed more pilots than it ever saved from the relative non event of an unintentional gear up landing.
LOL, it is Human Error to over look "Human Error" LOL.
That is from The Department of Redundancy Department.
Yup it is. :)


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