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It’s Cheaper for Airlines to Cut Emissions Than You Think

FUEL ECONOMY IS hardwired into the airline industry’s DNA. After all, fuel costs money, and using less of the stuff is an easy way to beef up the bottom line. Well … maybe not easy, but certainly worth doing. Saving fuel, by reducing carbon emissions, can help save the planet. And those cuts could come at little to no cost to the companies themselves. ( 기타...

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Jack370 6
'....For instance, a single airplane consumes up to 3 billion gallons of fuel per year. At roughly $3 per gallon, you’re looking at $10 million a year in fuel costs. A single percent improvement in fuel efficiency can save an operator hundreds of thousands of dollars. Multiply this over a fleet of planes, and you can see why efficiency is so important."

Lost credibility with that for me. 3 billion gallons at 3 dollars a gallon is 9 billion a year, not 10 million. Now I don't believe anything else in that story. :)
Jack370 5
The author probably meant 3 million gallons a year but that sounds conservative for a long haul jet airliner. Making that mistake so early in an article looses a lot of credibility for the reader.
Tim Marks -1
Jack, this drivel is coming from a non-aviation source - tree-hugging-save-the-planet-at-all-costs run-by-the-left-hand-side-of-the-aisle major news media source. Math, science and common sense are not a part of their thought path, only the 'OH MY GOD DID YOU KNOW HOW MUCH POLLUTION THE AIRLINES CREATE' sensationalism of the liberal ilk. But they have a solution and it is spelled out in their marginally fact based article, damn the math and business needs and government regulations, SAVE THE PLANET!!! I am not even sure why Flight Aware puts these articles onto the squawk list, maybe to ensure we have something to talk about?


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