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Taxiing airplanes could soon get flight info wirelessly

Airlines have made great efforts to update their tech, including replacing bulky flight manuals with iPads. But pilot teams still receive flight information updates the same way they've been doing for decades: over radio voice comms, as current wireless solutions don't support high-enough volume data transfer. Last February, a joint NASA and FAA team sent flight updates to a taxiing airplane over a wireless communication network for the first time, NASA said Tuesday. ( 기타...

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dbaker 4
Finally, we can remove the wires that connect airplanes to the ground for communication. This will really speed things up and reduce tangles in the air.
I was going to say basically the same thing, those wires for radio communication are tedious! As ATC we are constantly moving wires around that switch board... Difficult to stay focused on separating the airplanes! :-)


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