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Search for MH370 to suspend after completion of search area

Australia, China and Malaysia will suspend the hunt for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 after it has combed the 120,000km² search area. ( 기타...

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bbabis 1
The statement that the search has yielded several parts is not true. All possible parts recovered so far have washed up on beaches far from any dedicated searchers. The "search" has actually yielded nothing. We are only closer to knowing where it is by knowing where it is not. Outside of the double miracle of finding the recorders and then having them provide any information, there is little chance that any widely drifting pieces will help in solving the mystery of what happened.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

MH370 Decision Could Leave Mystery Unsolved

The hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 will be suspended once the current search area in the Indian Ocean has been completely scoured, the ministers of the three countries conducting the operation announced Friday, possibly ending all hopes of solving aviation's greatest mystery.


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