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Suspected drunken co-pilot pulled from plane at TVC

A charter co-pilot is in jail after police pulled him from a plane at Cherry Capital Airport under suspicion of being drunk. ( 기타...

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mike SUT 5
Evidently, they had already done one leg when the Captain called the tower as he was preparing to land that something was wrong with his co-pilot. That was on NBC News. The company did indeed make a statement...

"We are very proud of Captain Manny Ramirez' immediate action in detecting the co-pilot's condition and removing him from his position," the company said in a statement. "This is yet another example of Talon Air's safety procedures working effectively on behalf of our clients and for airport safety. The individual in question has been immediately terminated."

Sounds more like the system failed if indeed they actually flew a leg.
That's what I thought, typical spinning the reality of what happened!!!
ADXbear 2
What a shame to see a career go down the tubes,, better than the flight.
Under Federal Highway administration pressure, all states now have a DWI threshold of 0.08% BAC. Below that, the person might be impaired, but above would necessitate some resolution to the Driving While Intoxicated or Driving Under the Influence. The store indicates the pilot had a BAC of 0.30%. In nearly 30 years of legal practice, I only had two people with a BAC above this level. Both were hard core drinkers and both died at an early age (<40) due to the alcohol abuse. If this pilot truly had a 0.30% BAC, he would not have been able to fly a plane, taxi a plane, or most likely put on his seat belt. And, if he managed to get into the right seat and then be removed, and given a field sobriety test with a 0.30% reading, his actual reading was probably higher at an earlier time.

"Acting odd" is an understatement, to be sure!
This is a ridiculous situation! It seems the problem is NOT to be drunk, but to get caught! How many times I've seen crews from major Airlines (I hope you don't want names) drinking crazily on their rest stops at hotels! The former Belgium SABENA was famous for it! Hence its nickname!...


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