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14 Things You Should Never Do on an Airplane

Traveling is stressful as it is, so let’s not add the burden of getting sick from the flight to your itinerary. Experts reveal where the germs are hiding and how to stay healthy and comfortable while airborne. ( 기타...

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dee9bee 4
That sounds as though the article was written for hypercondriacs, though I don't disagree with most of what was said. One point I disagree with is avoiding the ice in your drink. They assume there is some ice machine in the back of the plane. The ice comes from the caterer, of course. Also, I drank airplane coffee for thirty years and am just fine (I think) :-)

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dee9bee 4
I'll take the bait, but just this once. I don't see the relevance of your post. Flightaware is for both pilots and passengers, alike, probably more for the pax, really. I happen to have been flying for forty years but appreciate others comments unless they are saying something totally dumb. Sites like pprune are more pilot oriented. I'm sure Flying magazine has something as well.

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Mr. Hartmann, since Preacher1, the former unofficial moderator of this site is no longer able to squawk or post on this particular site, I'm acting as his intermediary. For those who might be interested, you have contributed exactly Zero squawks on this site in your inglorious 7 years of participation. Your insatiable desire to denigrate the other participants on this site with your comments however lead to an ever greater number of squawks doing the "dead mans spiral" into the "esquire bash". What's the point? Were it up to me, you would be banished to the legal forum where you might, or might not excel. Alas, it is not to be. Perhaps your response will be the catalyst for sanity.

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bashdan 3
"Counselor", once again, you took it upon YOURSELF to click unto my post. At no time you were forced to do so. With that being said, do you know what is an "Internet Troll"? If not, then here's one of the definitions-

I find it eerie similar to your behavior. Now, since you have been educated a little today, please use it to your advantage. Cheers!
dee9bee 1
On my local newspaper site, I learned the term "Don't feed the troll". As of today, on this site, I'm taking that advice.
bashdan 2
Some sound advice! I only wished I saw this before nibbling on the proverbial "bait".

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bashdan 1
Flightaware's definiation of a "Squawk" (it took me all but 1 min and 23 secs to find this info and as far as being "hostile", i saw it more as educating):

About Squawks

Squawks are insightful aviation-related news headlines, articles, professional editorials, photos, videos, and flight tracks.
FlightAware users are the contributors and editors. Anyone can submit a Squawk and anyone can vote on a Squawk.
The best (highest voted) Squawks appear in FlightAware's newsletter, with a monthly circulation of over four million.
Submission Guidelines

When submitting a Squawk, include a descriptive title under "title" and brief article synopsis under "description."

The Squawk link should direct to the most authoritative and/or comprehensive source on the story. For example, the link shouldn't be to a blog that is simply copying news content or linking back to the original source.

The Squawk link should not be to a link shortening service or a redirecting URL, it should be directly to the source URL.

Please first check that a duplicate or highly similar Squawk hasn't already been submitted. Many times a certain news story or article has already been Squawked by another user. Duplicate Squawks will deleted as determined by an administrator.

User self-promotion is not allowed in Squawks. For example, the person who submitted the Squawk should not be the same person who authored and/or is directly affiliated with the content contained in the link.

Sockpuppets, or fake user accounts, are not allowed to promote another person or article.
Do not use/create multiple user accounts to vote and/or comment on a Squawk.

Squawk comments must not insult another member and all criticism must be constructive and in good taste.

**Please read the whole thing, before commenting, Mr. Hartmann**

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