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Incident: Lufthansa B747 near Sept Iles on Jan 31st 2017, engine shut down in flight

The crew shut the #2 engine (CF6, inboard left hand) down, consulted with dispatch and maintenance and decided to .. ( 기타...

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Not an emergency with three remaining, fully functional engines.
Yes, but I like the comment about not slowing down even with an engine out. This so called pilot of all the B-74 versions seems to suggest that maintaining .86M on three is good airmanship! An engine out on a 4 engine aircraft may not be an emergency, but lower cruise altitudes, speed, fuel consumption and probably having to fly the spruce goose route may have all been accounted for in the descision making process. I can say from experience that having done a three engine take-off and obvious subsequent three engine ferry that there are lots of regs and rules to follow, however if fuel was plentiful I can see continuing to destination in this case.


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