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Bombardier-Delta deal can put Boeing out of business, company claims

Boeing says its very future, and that of US aerospace industry, is at risk if Bombardier’s deal with Delta Air Lines for 75 CS100s and 50 options is not fined for price dumping. That’s the claim company officials made in testimony before the US International Trade Commission May 18. ( 기타...

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canuck44 6
I guess I better sell my Boeing stock if there finances are so fragile that a 75 aircraft sale of a size they abandoned is liable to put them out of business
Then build a better jet, or better yet fire the top management
canuck44 2
You are right, Matt. By the time this goes in front of either a court or the international commission, there will be a slew of data from Swiss and airBaltic on the efficiency and operating costs of both models which will be claimed as a primary reason Delta selected the C-Series. Boeing's offerings of the 437 will not look good if the current reports are correct. Delta has already said they were not happy with the 10 437-700's they have.
dbkoob -2
Again stop posting reposts this was posted yesterday by someone else


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