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Listen to the pilots of SWA1380 land the plane

Audio has been condensed but includes all publicly available ATC transmissions to/from SWA1380 from the time they declared an emergency to the time they stopped on the ground. Audio quality of these feeds varies dramatically just due to distance to transmitters, A/D converters, interference, receivers, bandwidth, bitrate, compression, digital artifacts, dither, all that fun stuff, etc. ( 기타...

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dkroutil 22
Great job by a team of professionals. Hats off to Tammie and FO. 30 years of experience pays off and is an inspiration to us all. Great example of a well-trained and disciplined individual.
After just listening to this, I am in awe. No way could I ever react with such calm and professionalism as this flight crew and ATC.
Awesome performance by Cpt. Shults, SWA crew and ATC. Kudos all!
Amazing flight crew to handle such a situation they way they did.
Testament to the steel nerves of that ATC. Dealing with an emergency, clearing the path for the stricken aircraft of a bunch of other airplanes with rapid fire communications, and never missing a beat..... Incredible job. Two very, very cool people. ATC and Capt. Shults.
allench1 3
Great audio cutting to get the conversations needed to receive the appropriate info. Thanks for taking the time to trim,cut and consolidate info.
Awesome !!
I appreciate the way the problem was handled by the the crew and the ATC personnel.
Really a great job, my personal congratulations to all the people involved.
Impressive. Wondering why there was no discussion related to cabin being depressurized when he cleared them to descend to 110

Incredible professionalism at it's very best. These people are heroes, my highest respect!


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