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£5,000 an hour but no free booze – what to expect on board the Ryanair private jet

Love it or loathe it, at least you know what you get with Ryanair. Or do you? Who would have thought, for example, that the Irish airline most often associated with lurid yellow and grumpy passengers, has its own private jet? Yours for just £5,000 an hour, on top of taxes and fees. We know what you’re thinking and, yes, you can take a second bag in the cabin free of charge. What’s more is each passenger is allowed two hold bags, each weighing up to 20kg. Are we talking about the same Ryanair?… ( 기타...

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Cansojr 1
I wouldn't pay ten cents for ten seconds on a stinky 737 that is trying in imitate a very stale banana.


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