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400+ 737 MAX pilots sue Boeing over ‘unprecedented cover-up’ that led to crashes & grounding

A class-action lawsuit against Boeing reportedly accuses the US aviation giant of covering up the faulty sensor issue and keeping pilots in the dark about the feature in the pursuit of quick returns. ( 기타...

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canuck44 4
They will get paid for being furlowed and a few who claim major psychiatric problems will be able to retire as will the lawyers who will be the big winners. From a legal perspective this is not much different than GM or Toyota drivers suing the manufacturer after a design flaw causes an accident.

This will be a pittance compared to what Boeing will need to pay out to compensate the airlines for revenue loss.
everybody, from board members, to executives, to those who designed the defective system, to those who aided in coverup: all those have to walk the plank, be fired, lose their jobs, and face the justice system promptly/ There are crimes that have been committed, passengers and crew lost their lives due to those crimes, and as polite as we all would like to be, there must be accountablity,. and that means trials and possible prison terms.
Cansojr 3
This is an un-precedented action taken by more than 400 Pilots are the plaintiffs in this class action legal maneuver. Definitely every Boeing says or has said will be put under the lense of civil and criminal law. Boeing is in very serious trouble.
I’ll bet they have been all furloughed, can’t blame them however.

As a pilot who's never flown anything bigger than a twin Comanche, but spent my life riding in the back from Pan Am to current United. More power to them, we'd have over 300 hundred people still with us, and Boeing would have the new single aisle King, instead the Max and then the dreaded 737-10 to come. And to think all this, along with 87 issues during the same period .... boggles the mind !


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