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6 Things to Love About Delta’s New Airbus A220 Planes

New airplanes get a lot of hype among travel industry insiders and frequent flyers, but the average traveler often won't notice the difference. ( 기타...

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Cansojr 3
The benefits are 20% to 25% lower fuel burn. Low external noise footprint as well as a relatively quiet cabin. Comfortable seats. Enormous windows for natural light. Huge over the seats enormous luggage bins and finally mood lighting for evening lights. All these features combined contribute to a nice flight
It's a fine plane, but I'd take the 20-25% thing with a pinch of salt. If we believed all the claims on fuel made by manufacturers, planes would be producing their own fuel by now, with some to spare.
It's never quite clear what they're comparing with - my guess is the B707.
You might as well go right here for the complete article:
Interesting throwback seating in Economy. Reminds me of the 3-2 seating on the old MD-80 and MD-90 series (especially the older DC-9 Super).
Chris B -2
AKA the Boeing 717.....

not going to get the chance to ride in one of these unless I visit the States or Europe any time soon - but would love to experience.
You might be interested in this:
Great.. thanks for that. Ideal replacements for the Qantas 717's
Would love AIr NZ to pick up some of these too. Ideal for smaller city centers in NZ to Australia or the pacific islands...
Well, yeah. The A220-100 is designed for 100-125 seats depending on how many classes are chosen by the carrier. For weight and balance considerations, more seats just won't work. On the A220-300 the maximum number of seats is 149 in one class.
Not built by Boeing?
Not built by Airbus either :) (or at least originally)
No more than the 717 was built by Boeing ;)


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