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Solo passenger on flight from ASE to SLC

Lone passenger on positioning flight from Aspen to Salt Lake City ( 기타...

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chalet 1
Some day in the 80s I bought a ticket LGA-DCA on he infamous EAL Shuttle. They guaranteed you that they leave "every hour on the hour" regardless the load. Turned out that there were just 3 of us to board a 727-100 and they asked us very politely if we would mind boarding the next flight 1 hour later. We all agreed that it was an absurd waste and waiting one hour would not disrupt our schedules. The gate gents said thanks then turned around without offering the least that one would expect: a complementary posh dinner at one of the nicest restaurants in DCA but EAL was EAL all the way (LIMAO).
bbabis 3
Way back before deregulation i was on a United 747 from Chicago to Seattle that had more flight attendants than passengers. They just setup an open bar in the back and disappeared upstairs for the rest of the flight. I sat all over the plane to checkout the ride. In the very front seat you could almost see forward and in the very rear seat you could see the fuselage twist during turns. Everyone had fun.
And, they lost his luggage?
Did that on a Red Eye one night during my college day....there were just 3 of us.


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