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Italy set to grant funds to keep Alitalia afloat: source

Italy is set to free up funds for loss-making airline Alitalia on Monday as Rome struggles to find investors to keep it afloat, a political source told Reuters. After a group of potential rescuers backtracked in November, Alitalia is expected to run out of money by the end of the year, putting at risk 11,600 jobs and creating a major headache for the government. The ruling coalition of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement and center-left Democratic Party (PD) will approve later on Monday an… ( 기타...

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One of the problems Alitalia is ignoring is that they're over staffed. When Sabena went bankrupt in 2001, it was the first state run airline in the EU to fail. Others have followed. A private airline has no problem letting people go. A state run airline doesn't have that luxury. Rather than lay off 2000-3000 employee's, 12,000 lost their jobs. See article on South African airlines below.
Don't tell me another European airline is about to belly up..
Great.. They better step it up a notch now that they got this.
Throwing good money away


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