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El Al adds additional flights to return Israelis back from abroad

El Al flights leaving throughout the wee are expected to take off from India, Australia, Brazil, and Costa Rica. The Foriegn Ministry has made many efforts to bring Israelis home from abroad recently, as the coronavirus has casused more and more countries to close their airspaces around the world. ( 기타...

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$655 BOM, $790 DEL, $1530 GRU, $1555 PER and $1597 SJO. Cost OW x pax :o
This could be interesting. The 'fire and brimstone' religious nuts believe that if the Jews return to Israel, the second coming of JC is about to happen. There is a really insane branch of that insanity believes that if trump starts a nuclear war, JC is going to swoop down and rapture up the 'chosen' to party with him and God for eternity with plenty of virgins and happiness, parties, and Jerry Falwell.

I've been suspicious of this being the trigger for the religious extremists in this country to enact their insanity. There is no God, there is no heaven. If nuclear war breaks out, we all die. No second coming, no partying with JC and the gang. We're all just dead.

Just remember, run TO the light. Stay outside. Die as quickly as you can. Surviving long enough to die of radiation poisoning is way worse than just outright dying. Trust me. If the nukes start flying, being among the first wave to die will be mercy. All of the dystopian 'survivor' movies are wrong. There will be no survivors. Nothing human anyway, and we'll take most of the animals with us.


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