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Qantas to revisit "Project Sunrise" before year-end

SYDNEY — Australian flag carrier Qantas is planning to revive Project Sunrise flights at the end of 2021. CEO Alan Joyce expects that non-stop flights from Sydney and Melbourne to London, New York, and Paris will be even more appealing in the post-pandemic era. ( 기타...

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imagine being in an airliner, any airliner ( even the luxury suite in Emerates Airlines) for 20 hours. Now having arrived in London or Sydney depending, how chipper will you feel, how ready for a business meeting, or a tennis match, or a chess match would you or anyone be? Long, very long distance travel, tempered by at least one stop, makes for a acclimation process that makes for a comfortable, effective performance no matter what the task. Whats the hurry? Whats the point?

No me. When I get on a flight, I want to get to my destination, no matter how long the flight. I don't want any stopovers. I'll rest when I arrive, if I need to (I can sleep quite well in business class).


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