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United 328 ATC Audio and Radar Track

ATC audio and radar track of United 328 from takeoff at Denver, engine failure and fire, return and landing. ( 기타...

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When the pilot's asked "right or left turn", he thinks for a bit and then picks "left".

What's this choice influenced by?
bbabis 3
Generally it’s easiest and best to turn into the failed engine and it would have been right in this case. Other things though play a roll such as quickest way around to where you want to go and the pilot flying may simply want to turn toward their side. If you tell a pilot sitting in the left seat to turn either way they want, 99% of the time they turn left.
I agree strongly with the other comments on the professionalism shown by the crew and ATC, a wonderful example for future pilots on the importance of staying calm, I'm so impressed!
bbabis 4
And in Indonesia the crew simply had an auto-throttle roll back and lost the aircraft and all onboard. Yes, there are good pilots and bad pilots, usually separated by good training and bad training.
Proffessional all the way. No panic in the voices on either end. Well done everyone.
It’s what you would expect from professionals. That’s how they’re trained. Over decades.....with yearly and half-yearly recurrent.
linbb 4
Thats what should happen with a properly trained aircrew up in the pointy end. Did there job as trained to do. Great job to all the people involved.
Great professionalism shown by both aircrew and ATC.


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