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The end of an era: Alaska, Delta, United scrap flexible travel waiver, leaving JetBlue as lone holdout

As travel rebounds, you’re going to want to pay close attention to the terms and conditions of your airline ticket. On May 1, Alaska, Delta and United all let their flexible travel waivers expire, restoring many of the most punitive restrictions to basic economy fares. Going forward, all newly purchased basic economy tickets on the aforementioned carriers will return to being non-changeable and non-refundable. ( 기타...

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any airline that restores those odius restrictions needs to be avoided. They also need to be called out on the bad behavior: this is not treating your clients/passengers well. What on earth is the benefit in hamstringing passengers- the airlines used to not have so many of them. Now amnesia settles in like mornng fog.
ADXbear 3
Thats one reason you fly Southwest..


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