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Heathrow Airport: Australia and New Zealand's tough travel rules that make visiting very difficult

Australia Entry Requirements Quite simply, entry to Australia is still closed to most people. Everyone arriving in Australia is required to take a mandatory 14-day quarantine at a designated place near where they arrive, which they may need to pay for themselves. New Zealand Entry Requirements Travel to New Zealand is banned from Brazil, India, Pakistan and Papua New Guinea apart from citizens and their partners, children and dependants. All non-citizens will need a visa to enter. Anyone who… ( 기타...

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This information is out of date. 14 day quarantine is only for the non vaccinated
Certainly out of date. Fully vaccinated Australian residents: no quarantine/isolation after Nov 1st into Sydney only. Restrictions continue to ease gradually. Fully vaccinated tourists: no quarantine/isolation probably Jan/Feb. They are clearing the backlog of Australians who want to return, before opening borders to everyone.
Shame the Aussies can't indicate when it will start opening so lives can be planned again!


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