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Small Plane Crash on Miami Bridge

Sorry for all involved. 1 perished, 4 survivors. Hit an SUV on Bridge. Good luck all. Will be curious of cause. ( 기타...

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I see the Anonymous downvoters are at it again.
I wonder if either is brave enough to Say why they downvoted it?
Just a Far Out out of this world comment that is pretty obvious! _ Next!
Out of this world?
Prayers to the Survivors for a Speedy Recovery... Hate to see the Loss of 1 of them
o 艹 -2
I hope there will be no more air disasters in the world.
o 艹 1
Correction, what I said here is that I hope there will be no more air crashes.
We all hope that, but realistically Planes Break, Mechanics and Pilots are not perfect and sometimes S**T his the fan... Regretably there will be others, I just pray that there are Few and Far between. Over the last couple decades we have gotten a lot better and more reliable, but no one is perfect!
linbb -1
Wow a new TROLL
o 艹 2
I mean that I hope there will be no air crash, but my translation seems to be not quite right, and my translation here shows this.


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