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Pilot Shortage ‘Isn’t Real,’ ALPA Says

The union claims that there's a surplus of airline pilots. ( 기타...

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John Buch 3
So I am 64 years and 11 months young with 30,000 incident/accident free flight hours with a very diverse background during 43 years of flying and have never scratched a plane and have been in several teaching positions and then when I turn 65 years young, I all of a sudden am stupid, incompetent and unsafe…what!!?? This makes no sense at all. ALPA is being political. I am 71 years young right now and feel I could easily get in the cockpit again and be professional and safe. You cannot teach experience and just have to get it and now you are firing these very experienced professionals. Have congress raise the age to 67 and it will be fine just like there was a political agenda back when the max age was changed from 60-65 to no avail as all worked out fabulously and the skies became safer. JB
jeff slack 2
You make too much sense............
60-65-70 & 75-year-olds are not what they were as age goes at one time in the past.

This is happening across all sectors and the replacements with no experience are making huge mistakes not only in aviation but retail, engineering, and manufacturing.

We are old in years only............
Your point is very well taken.
John Buch 3
The shortage is not the point….whether it is true or not.
avionik99 0
Not the point? What article did you read?
John Buch 2
The same article……meaning whether there is a shortage or not is a moot point. The point is that today’s 65 is much different than 40-50 years ago. A very experienced pilot that can pass check rides and physicals should be able to keep flying and use his many years of experience to enhance safety. See my post below. The last change worked out great when they increased the max age from 60-65. 67 is a very small and safe increase. Do you want your surgery done by a brand new doctor or one that has performed the surgery for 25 years? Best, JB
avionik99 2
My nephew is a Delta pilot and gets very few hours in the cockpit. There is no shortage, I agree.


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