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AF General said White House tried to influence his testimony regarding Lightsquared

The four-star Air Force general who oversees Air Force Space Command walked into a highly secured room on Capitol Hill a week ago to give a classified briefing to lawmakers and staff, and dropped a surprise. Pressed by members, Gen. William Shelton said the White House tried to pressure him to change his testimony to make it more favorable to a company tied to a large Democratic donor. ( 기타...

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linbb 0
Ya think with the BAMA this is new???Get real he is doing wonders for this country soon we will have nothing better than a second class USA to thank him for.
vanbess 0
I hope the generals testimony is barry's downfall in political office - all they have to do is point out that this will affect the commercial flights and thier ability to be safe and lightsquared is done
n111ma 0
Sounds like Chicago politics at its finest!
Roy Kizzia 0
Is the proposed lowering of Lightsquared's frequency workaround a viable one? Does the lower freq get them out of GPS range?


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