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Airlines Plan LaGuardia Recovery

New York’s LaGuardia Airport, the region’s primary hub for domestic flights, will reopen tomorrow as the busiest U.S. aviation market works back toward normal operations after Atlantic superstorm Sandy. Delta (DAL) Air Lines Inc. and AMR Corp. (AAMRQ)’s American Airlines plan to resume flights at LaGuardia tomorrow after floodwaters receded. Delta will have arrivals starting around 7 a.m. local time and expects to operate about half of its normal schedule of 268 flights tomorrow, Morgan Durrant,… ( 기타...

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Will it "recover" to its former mess??

sparkie624 1
LOL, Well stated.
preacher1 1
The only good feeling I ever had about that part of the world was when I would see it start falling away and getting behind and well below me. What is really puzzling to me is that you will meet people that swear they ain't no other place to live than up there, but that is just too many people packed too close together to suit me. I don't even like the metro's down South here. I would also enjoy the feeling of less congested airspace the farther West I came, and I defintely enjoyed that back porch and no close neighbors after I got home.
sparkie624 0
Never did like the LGA setup... Always call it "LeGarbage"
Paul Smith 1
Sure its LeGarbage.... its one of the busiest airports in the U.S. and its strategically placed with in NYC with access from every borough. LaGuardia is far from garbage.
sparkie624 1
It is more than that... There is no reason to show bad attitudes just because you are the busiest... Working Maintenance Control, I have actually had mechanics to openly lie to me... Sorry, busy or not.... No excuse for it. Have seem too many bad work ethics that I do not see at other busy airports.
pdixonj 1
Nope...LGA is definitely's just "well placed" garbage...


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