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Flight in 2030: Super quiet Progress Eagle concept plane has three decks, generates its own power and boasts a 314-ft wingspan

Aircraft in the future could feature three decks, generate their own power and be 75 per cent quieter than current aircraft, according to designs for new concept plane. The Progress Eagle would have capacity for around 800 passengers and would run on hydrogen fuel rather than the high-grade aircraft fossil fuels used today. The Airbus A380, currently the world's largest passenger airliner, carries around 525 people. ( 기타...

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linbb 4
Ho Hum another pie in the sky post about something that will not happen like solar power in large scale.
From the concept art it looks like it will CFIT into some mountainous terrain.
Well, the A-380 is said to carry 525 pax. It was conceived as a high density route carrier and a capacity of 800. The 525 has been established by the various air carriers. Point is, it ain't selling and is too big to go everywhere. Why would this thing?
concept planes and cars have been around for ever , some never get off the ground , at 800 pax this thing would need it's own police station lol
I'm all in favor of putting a drunk tank on some planes so that disruptive passengers can have a "time out."
>> Once air bourne the rear engine can be converted into a turbine that produce electricity from the air flowing through it to help power the aircraft

The air flowing through it has to be generated by something, and that something are the two superconducting engines. Let's set aside for a moment the fact that they conveniently are superconducting, and focus on the laws of thermodynamics.

The energy generated by the turbine has to be generated from thrust that the other two engines provide, and neither the turbine nor the engines are 100% efficient. Even if both were, you'd wind up with no gain, i.e. you'd only recover the energy that the engines used.
Looks stupid as hell
errrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmASddASADDDMVSDGDSFGADFGADFV illllllllllllhhhhhhhhhhhvavvvvvvvvvvvveeee whaaaaaatttttthhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeshhhhhhvvvviiiiiinnngg....hic,burp!
I suppose it will have seats that fit someone 4 foot six inches tall like all the other sardine cans now flying
I think that all aircraft generate their own power.


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