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Software Cut Off Fuel Supply In Stricken Airbus A400M Airlifter Crash; Killed four Crew

New software may have cut-off fuel supply that caused crash of the transport plane. ( 기타...

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canuck44 7
It seems the Airbus concept that computers are smarter than pilots brings down at least one of every type they bring to the market. One would think after all these years they would program in a fail safe restriction on this automation that says to the pilot...ooops, you fly it.
Should have a "BOEING" over ride button to transfer control to those who fly the plane! Lol!
So sad there is once again loss of life.
In complex aircraft, the whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. I agree completely with the guy who said there is no Artificial Intelligence -- only Artificial Stupidity. (Read the both the article and the comment section)
linbb 3
Why even post some possible cause until its been determined fully.Oh bet for investors
so they wont back out. It could very well be the cause but to throw it out now just speaks
of CYA.
Unfortunately, CYA gets to be the name of the game almost immediately after these events. Did you ever (ever!) read about some fatal air crash where there wasn't a mad rush to pin-point the cause even while the wreckage still smouldered? So shall it ever be, I suppose. Though I've learned to deal with it (on a level far below that of an A400M), I've always had a bit of an aversion to complexity. That's why I've always loved flying a Cub.
canuck44 2
Stupidity does not have to be artificial...for many it is entirely natural and innate.
I've learned to fly within my all-too-real limitations. :-)


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