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Cathay Pacific loses a bag containing $1 million dollars

A bag containing more than $1 million in Chinese currency was lost at Hong Kong International Airport in a transfer bungle, after being unloaded from a Cathay Pacific flight from Auckland. The bag was part of a consignment of 13, carrying a total of about $10m. ( 기타...

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Thousands of flights per month to 200 destinations in 50 odd countries, lose one little bag of money and the whole world knows about it. Sheesh.
BOAC747 1
I mean really after the nuts scandal now we have a bag of cash who has it?. Surely it would have being scan and knowing full well what was in it?.
Lost? More like replaced with an empty bag.
linbb 1
Well if I found it would return it, right, the story would go, found this empty bag......
They need to check their personnel records and see who quit that day.
Well the rich get richer we all pay with increase in fares that how they will fix it $1M no big loss


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