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Cargo plane makes a crazy low pass over fighter jets at an air base

Here’s a role reversal of sorts: an Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane does a low pass right over some SU-25 fighter jets on a Ukrainian air field. Seeing the big boy plane delicately flying close to the ground over the nimble little planes makes for a pretty hilarious visual. ( 기타...

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You were expecting a barrel roll maybe?
got to love the old vodka burners (Il-76)
linbb 1
And another Vodka burner driver showing off. Seems they are good at that but bad at the outcome sometimes. Reminds me of the heavy taking off in Aussy land where it left tire tracks at the end of the runway. Just a matter of time for this crew.
Love that video "Here comes the vodka burner" & "I won't have enough to film the crash" LOL
And Russian aircraft are so ugly....
Ray Dahl 1
Much like some of the Brits designs.
Ray: Agree! But for discussion, the F-101 Voodoo was not exactly a beauty either ....


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