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B-52 Show-Of-Force Flight over Korea (Video)

In a demonstration of the steadfast commitment to the Republic of Korea's defense, a United States Air Force B-52 Stratofortess from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, conducted a low-level flight Jan 10 in the vicinity of Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, in response to recent nuclear weapons activity and testing by North Korea. The B-52 was joined by ROK F-15K Slam Eagles and U.S. F-16 Fighting Falcons. ( 기타...

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Wrong part of Korea. Fly over the North and hit some strategic targets next time!
Probably a pretty quick way to lose a BUFF. They aren't real sam proof, the NKs have them and are undeniably crazy enough to use a couple.
My thoughts exactly !
The only strategic target in N. Korea is Fat Boy's barber shop.
Though I'm Army, I've spent many hours @ Osan AFB on duty bus trips from Cp. Long/Wonju. Osan & Seoul was considered "The World" & Wonju was 2 hours by bus to "The World" (& has a T-shirt showing that). ;-)
Thank You.
Right action to show the young boy what he is playing with


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