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Relief to Puerto rico via RVR with A124's

Antonov124 flew over my house this am .I heard it but didn't get a look, sounded wierd.Looks like someone is spending a lot to get things to PR.Two flew in on Thursday and at least one more today.I would assume its more thsn just supplies to use something tat massive.Kuddos to all involved. ( 기타...

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Another Antonov flew over this morning ADB2207 KMCO-RVR No media coverage here in Orlando.Anyone got info?
linbb 0
They have lots of supplies but due to the road system along with flooding its very hard to get anything out. Its due to the government there letting roads and servaces deteriorate. They blame everyone but themselves for the problems they now have.
The governor needs to step up and accept the blame for letting things get to this state.


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