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Boeing facing CSeries

An earthquake in the transatlantic jetliner duopoly caught Boeing off guard. ( 기타...

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jbqwik 6
Boeing management ... <sigh>... They should have kept their big boy pants on.
Hate to say it but they got their comeuppance.
linbb -5
Oh so its ok to dump AC by using government money to make them less expensive to buy.
But it's ok for Boeing to take money from city, state and fed govt with no intention of repayment? Right.

No evidence of Bombardier of dumping anything -
jbqwik 3
You know this is a long running and complicated feud, and you can pick a side and claim righteousness. Tit-for-tat didn't work in this case.
And now...
Canadians are being bombarded (no pun intended) with advertisements on the Radio AND TV from Boeing suggesting they are a good company with Canadian interests in mind! I have seen and heard them.
Just Google and you will find the biggest piles of bovine scatology...borrowing the words of a great American General. Boeing doesn't give a rats ass about Canada or anyone else for that matter.
Just another swamp dweller


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