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A total night flight ban would be an “enormous restraint” for Heathrow Airport, IATA’s director-general says

A total night flight ban would be an “enormous restraint” for Heathrow Airport, IATA’s director-general says ( 기타...

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Heathrow is unique in that it is the gateway to/from the UK and EU and not allowing night operations to mate with global arrival times seems trivial. They have 24 hr operations now, but can't in the future???? NIMBY?
The present night operations are very restricted. According to the article just 42 landings and no takeoffs.

Thanks that was in the article, did not know there were no departures though. Appreciate the clarification!
Chris B 5
I know what its like to live 6 miles under the flight path. But you get used to it after a while.

Why this is coming out now is simple. Attempt to derail the third runway.
Sadly, I agree with your assessment. The trouble is, we are living with the consequence of a decision made in 1946, in the aftermath of world war 2, to establish an aviation passenger centre for the Great West Aerodrome on Hounslow Heath. We seem to have some citizens in the UK who are determined not to support this country's expanding economy.
What would the politicians do if other international hubs reciprocated (retaliated?) by banning night-time flights to and from Heathrow? Many international flights would become impossible.
canuck44 6
The Thames airport concept looks more attractive all the time. If they were to follow the HKG model complaining residents could not build underneath the approaches to such a facility and a 24 hour per day operation would be the norm.


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